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NameDescriptionSlot Props
titleCustom content for the title area.
headerCustom content for the header area, typically showing the selected date.
controlsCustom content for the date picker controls, including navigation buttons.{ date: HijriDateObject, locale: string, changeMode: Function, viewMode: ViewMode, prevMonth: Function, nextMonth: Function }
monthCustom content for the month navigation control.{ date: HijriDateObject, locale: string, changeMode: Function }
modeCustom content for the mode toggle button (month/year view).{ date: HijriDateObject, locale: string, changeMode: Function, viewMode: ViewMode }
prevCustom content for the previous month navigation button.{ prevMonth: Function }
nextCustom content for the next month navigation button.{ nextMonth: Function }
weekdaysCustom content for displaying weekdays.{ weekdays: string[] }
daysCustom content for displaying days in the month view.{ days: { date: HijriDateObject, dayInMonth: number, isAdjacent: boolean, isToday: boolean, isSelected: boolean }[], selectDay: Function }
monthsCustom content for displaying months in the year view.{ months: string[], changeMonth: Function }
yearsCustom content for displaying years in the decade view.{ years: number[], selectYear: Function }

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