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viewModeThe initial view mode of the date picker.ViewMode ('month', 'months', 'years')'month'
localeLocale to use for formatting and parsing.string'en'
modelValueThe current date value in Hijri format.ValidHijriDatecurrent Hijri date
formattedValueThe formatted date value as a string.stringcurrent Hijri date formatted
formatThe format string used for the date.string'iYYYY/iMM/iD'
titleTitle of the date picker, displayed at the top.string''
weekDayFormatFormat for displaying weekdays.WeekDayFormat ('weekDaysMedium', 'weekDaysLong', 'weekDaysShort')'weekDaysMedium'
monthFormatFormat for displaying months.MonthFormat ('monthsMedium', 'monthsLong', 'monthsShort')'monthsMedium'
showAdjacentDaysWhether to show dates from adjacent months.booleantrue

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