Name | Description | Type | Default |
viewMode | The initial view mode of the date picker. | ViewMode ('month' , 'months' , 'years' ) | 'month' |
locale | Locale to use for formatting and parsing. | string | 'en' |
modelValue | The current date value in Hijri format. | ValidHijriDate | current Hijri date |
formattedValue | The formatted date value as a string. | string | current Hijri date formatted |
format | The format string used for the date. | string | 'iYYYY/iMM/iD' |
title | Title of the date picker, displayed at the top. | string | '' |
weekDayFormat | Format for displaying weekdays. | WeekDayFormat ('weekDaysMedium' , 'weekDaysLong' , 'weekDaysShort' ) | 'weekDaysMedium' |
monthFormat | Format for displaying months. | MonthFormat ('monthsMedium' , 'monthsLong' , 'monthsShort' ) | 'monthsMedium' |
showAdjacentDays | Whether to show dates from adjacent months. | boolean | true |