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taqwim-core-utils / subHijriQuarters

Function: subHijriQuarters()

subHijriQuarters(date, amount): HijriDateObject | null

Substracts a specified number of Hijri quarters from a given Hijri date.


date: HijriDateObject

The Hijri date object to which the quarters will be substracted.

amount: number

The number of quarters to sub. Positive values will substract quarters in the future, while negative values will subtract quarters from the date.


HijriDateObject | null

A new Hijri date object that is the result of subing the specified number of quarters to the given date. Returns null if the input date is invalid.


// Substract 2 quarters from 1 Ramadan 1445 ({ hy: 1445, hm: 9, hd: 1 })
const result = subHijriQuarters({ hy: 1445, hm: 9, hd: 1 }, 2)
//=> { hy: 1445, hm: 3, hd: 1 }
// Substract 1 quarter from 1 Ramadan 1445 ({ hy: 1445, hm: 9, hd: 30 }) and adjust the month
const result = subHijriQuarters({ hy: 1445, hm: 9, hd: 30 }, 1)
//=> { hy: 1444, hm: 9, hd: 29 };



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